Gil took the chance to make the distance between him and the demonic alpha boar. He knew that his arrows might not work as well as his main focus would be distractions. Su had to cover Alice and Remey since they were the closest to the boar. There was also that fact that Alice couldn''t use her skills due to her voice needing to rest. If she used it now she would end up harming herself.
"Remey, you take the right and I will take the left." Walker watched the eternal orb change form in to a sword. He knew he could gather the wind around it to sh with more power. Combining a two pronged attack where Remey used her defense breaking palm, they would make huge damage.
"Focus on me you worthless pile of bacon!" Su taunted the boar while Gil managed to infuriate it by firing an arrow in to its side. The arrow barely pierced the dense skin but it was enough to cause pain.
Without the need for any further directions, Walker shed downward with the eternal orb sword form. He was focused on making the wind in to a solid de. Remey''s attack hit at the same time causing a cracking sound.
Multiple ribs broke while Walker ''s attack sliced through the skin on the opposite side. Yet, this was not enough to beat the demonic alpha boar. It became angrier. The color of its eyes became slightly red showing that it had activated the berserker skill it had.
Su was able to hit it with a solid shield bash to push it back before it began to il about trying to stab them in any way possible. Midnight took the chance to realize arge breath of mes right in front of it. Naturally, the boar didn''t expect such an attack. Its reaction was to jump back and then charge ahead.
Walker took this as a signal to gather earth elemental mana around the eternal orb sword form. This allowed him to brace his stab with the earth. Just as the boar met him, the eternal orb sword pierced its neck causing instant defeat.
"That was…a lot." Remey was flexing her fingers. The defense breaking palm had done a lot of damage but left its mark on Remey''s hand. She hadn''t used any fist skills since she had been worried about the toughness of the boar. If she had she was sure that she would have broken her hand in some way.
"I don''t think we are cutting this thing up at all. It''s too tough. Well, the skin is just tough. The muscle looked easier to break." Gil was examining the fallen demonic alpha boar. He had broken down much prey but this was the toughest yet.
"No, we can wait until we get somewhere with better equipment. Walker can store it away." Su was checking the earth dwelling shield. She feared that the earth spirit had taken some damage from the attacks the boar used against them.
"That''s fine. I don''t think we will need to deal with a pack like this. It was mostly because this one grew alone for some time." Walker looked at the earth that he had brought up around the eternal orb sword form. There were many cracks that showed just how much power the boar had in its attack. Even though it had essentially beaten itself, Walker was sure if the boar survived it could have posed some threat to the eternal orbs'' durability.
Midnight appeared to be slightly upset that they wouldn''t be eating. She had done her best to use fire breath to deal damage and stop the boar in its tracks. She felt that she deserved a reward. Her slight growl of protest made Walker shake his head.
"The fire was a good idea but it could have charged through them. That was the same as risking major injury. And yes, before you argue with me, I know you can fly now. You can jump out of the way, but if you didn''t?" Walker was acting like a mother which made Gil start tough slightly.<sub> </sub>
When the party turned around, they found that Onyx had wrapped himself around Alice to be a coiled shield for her. None of them had expected that he had been so quick to do this. It was an impressive use of his bind skill andrger size.
"Onyx, you will need to train with me more if you are going to act as a shield for others like that." Su felt that Onyx could use hisrger body better the more he learned to defend with it. He was quickly growing in to the very same abyssal serpent ancestor that they had all seen on the walls of the ruins.
"If you need a partner I will do it. I want to learn more about my affinities though." Onyx had considered his role in the party. He preferred the fact that he could focus on magical attacks and physical. He was a very decent hybrid warrior in that way. Unfortunately, that meant that he would need more time to learn these things.
"You can do both, have Su go to the mage tower with you. The floors are veryrge and the two of you can get limated to your affinities while also training some physical skills. It might actually be better for you to keep your size smaller while you train." Walker''s idea was simple. When Onyx restricted his size he could manage his muscles better. That way he would have higher control when he was at his natural size.
"For now though, you should help us." Gil stopped the party again. They were looking at a temporary camp with soldiers guarding over fifty demons that had clearly been through a hard battle.
"I agree, Onyx, we need you to help where you can. Go and get those healers back at the farming vige." Onyx didn''t even question it. He knew that hisrger size would be beneficial to the speed at which he returned to the farming vige.