2068 2068. Minor Threat
Small ball of light began to float around the ocean in the night. While Walker believed they were just nts or some form of monster carried by the sea breeze, he began to realize that they held a lot more manas than what he had rpsed. He could sense it and so could Midnight. One orange ball of light fell to the ocean and a burst of me appeared. The fire was hot enough that Walker could somewhat sense it. This burst of me caused the rm to be brought up immediately. Shouts from one side of the ships to another were constantly going out. Water mages began to send balls of water toward the small balls of orange light. They knew that there was a major threating from somewhere. But where? n/?/vel/b//jn dot c//om
"Walker, what is this!?" Gil had arrows at the ready. The water elemental arrows had already shot down multiple of these orange balls of fire mana that caused bursts of me where they retouched. As Walker and Midnight had justnded, he had to take a moment to breathe. He was also stunned. "They don''t give me any form of all around appraisal when I try. We need to just repel them until we figure it out." The rm also passed to the royal dragons who roared out trying to scare off any beast that might be causing this. Unfortunately, this did not seem to work since the same number of light balls were still floating. The only ones able to cause a change in them being the fire mages, and Ignus in particr. Ignus was easily able to draw multiple toward him in his dragonkin form and take the mana to use as his own. His affinity for fire mana outranked whatever was causing these attacks to radiate around the ocean. The only worry was that they still did not know where it wasing from. Since Ignus could sense the manas, he had expected to be able to follow where it wasing from. Yet, when he tried, he found that the sheer multitude of these orange light balls was stopping him from getting a proper understanding of a source. It was very odd and not at all like what he had been able to do before. Things were only worsening as some of the orange balls of fire mana came in to contact with the sides of the ships. There were too many to resist all of them constantly. It would require many more water and fire mages to hold them off than what they all had. Adding wind mana was only making the mes burstrger when they did contact something. "We really need to see where this ising from. Ignus! Make it bright." Remey knew that Rise would use valuable light mana to light up the area. She could also sense that Ignus had gathered many of the orange fire elemental balls. Therefore, the best option was for him to use them to their benefit. "Fine." Ignus snorted a little. He still didn''t like being ordered to do something, however, he didn''t mind when Remey asked so much that he wouldn''t help. In a single massive burst of mes upward, Ignus created arge area where everything was bathed in orange me light. The waters reflected the light even more making it even easier to see. Causing thin tubes that stood out of the water to appear before Walker''s eyes more clearly than they had even with his sharper eyesight he had just gained. ''Vent tube m
A deep water monster that feeds off the fire and water manas around a magma vent. It will cause the area of water to be colder because it filters out the heated water to consume the fire mana within it. Due to this, many monsters avoid this area making it safe to grow. It needs to grow long shell stalks that are in a tube shape so that it can safely filter out the excess fire mana that it can not consume. If it does not, it risks exploding and dying because of its own consumption. It uses the water affinity to circte out the minerals in the water to make this shell fairly tough.. It needs to be able to consistently grow and extend this shell so that it can easily survive. When it is young, it struggles until it finds an ideal home by floating around the ocean floor. Its real body inside the shell holds potent fire mana that can help someone understand their own innate affinity for fire mana when consumed. This is one of the few monsters with such a usability. The shell can be used to make medicinal pills because they hold a variety of nutrients rted to minerals. It is risky to kill them because its body is deep in the ocean. Therefore, it will often retract then regrow the tube ends of its body at ater time with stored nutrients. Not many people can hunt these monsters…''
Walker didn''t need to see more. "Current, that''s a monster deep in the ocean causing the ocean water around it to be colder. It also has meat that will help someone understand their own innate fire mana better. The shell is also very nutritious as pills that can be made by Remey. Care to help?" It was like Current was waiting for Walker to ask him. He had a small smirk as he dove in to the water taking his full dominator dragon from again. He hade up from where he was meditating on water mana as the danger had grown around the ships. But knowing that he could solve this issue, he did not hesitate. As he dove down beneath the ocean, Current could see it all clearly. Therger tube shaped body that became fat and burrowed partially in to the sands where it fed on the magma vents. The water was exceptionally cold nearby it since it was taking the fire mana and producing the fire mana balls causing the ships dangers. He also saw multiple smaller versions of the same monster. All clearly trying to grow here but unable to due to therger one taking everything they needed. Without any hesitation, Current opened his massive jaws and shattered therge monster''s shell. It couldn''t even fathom how it had been defeated in that instant. Ambient fire mana rushed around Current and he had to bear the heat. However, with his control of water, he brought the water through and around him keeping himself from being dealt any damage at all from the sudden burst of fire mana and heat. This was all his strength. When he moved, he sped through the water and burst up in to the air. He dropped therge broken body of the vent tube m on the ship with the most room before returning to his dragonkin from. The stark difference between the ocean now and before a clear victory. "That thing was simple to handle. I see why it is useful though, it has a lot of bnced fireaman stored in its body." Current bragged a little knowing that this would greatly interest Ignus and Remey. He was enjoying having this over Ignus for the moment. Multiple fire mages also rushed over to thank Current. They had not been so foolish as to ignore what walker had shared with the all around appraisal. They knew that this was a vable chance to strengthen their skills before they had to fight yet again. There were others with fire affinity that also came forward. The cklist of the ships being one particr group finding interest in this. "You said I can make pills for people? Then I will do that." Remey ignored the grumbling Ignus. She had wanted to thank him for helping but seeing his mood, she just pretended everything was fine. It was safer that way rather than starting a fight between him and Current. There were reasons why they did not get along, the manas just did not meld easily. "Well, I felt rather useless." Su had barely even done a thing. But she was happy for it. An easy win and new knowledge was much better than a real opponent appearing here that could have sunk the ships. Not that the ships had not taken some damage at all. There were some that had very dark scorch marks on them now. "It''s better not to have to do anything. It''s just another pieces of learning we have here. When he have to handle other monsters with simr strengths, we can focus on how we can help." Walker knew that the world was still full of mysteries. Especially the deep and massive oceans. …