2069 2069. The Time Is Coming
The randomness of the encounter with the vent tube m made many of those that witnessed it feel that they were missing something. They had not imagined that monsters like that existed. Yet, they had also never been this deep in to the ocean and had just seen a space in the ocean where an underwater volcano was making iit boil. Therefore, they had to ept the oddity as part of their reality. What some of the fire mages had just learned though, was that there was a way to condense fire mana in to a small orb, and make it softly float around an area. Then that orb of fire mana could explode causing a burst of me. It would be an excellent attack. Regardless of this attacking one target, this would make an attack that could handle an entire army. They were all about to face an army of healing undead. The corrupted undead would most likely attack without fear since they had no sense of pain. This meant, that if the fire mages could somehow replicate the method that this monster had just used to send out wisps of fire mana that exploding in to proper bursts of me, in the same slow manner. Then they could restrict the movementsof the entire enemy force at once. This was not a bad idea in the least. Walker found himself being caught up in it and dragged to focus on the magic ideas. He wanted to see how he could help. However, he found that he was not able to do so. The simple reason being that the sun had just started to rise properly in the distance. The sun was showing off a lot in the distance.. Ventus and Rise also had kept to the sky, and were enjoying the wind and light mana respectively. However, since they were much higher in the air, they had managed to see that the destination they were after was well ahead of them. The worrying side of that, was that there was also the corrupted floating city. It had been out of sight for some time. This had worried many of the joint forces here. Now that it was spotted, the worries did not end. Everyone was still on edge. But, seeing that it had ceased movement over a massive ind that might not even be considered an ind at all because of the sheer size being hard to follow but from a distance. But when Walker saw that Ventus and Rise had made motions for every ship to stop for the moment, he had moved in to the air. Those who could do so also followed. They saw that the ind was onerge forest of sorts. Stone outcroppings jutting from it where some older civilization had once made a home or some sort of massive structure that celebrated wherever was here. The natural rocky mountain that was also at the center of this ind proved to be tough too. It was easy to see various rocky potions carved in and out of it. But also easy to see how nature had created the t faces that would be very hard to climb. Furthermore, there would be a challenge of wind that would stop them all from easily flying around the ind. Ventus would need to use significant wind mana just to make it easier. The worst part was, that the corrupted undead angels and the corrupted undead dragon were easily flying about. This proved that they were using the corrupted manas to break the natural order of things. They were resisting the flow of wind manas all around them and the ind. It would surely cause more disarray as time went on. And the demon lord would celery not care if that was or was not the case. No one wanted to speak as various soldiers prepared their weapons and armors. They were sure that the cksmiths would not have anything more that they could do. The battle they had all been preparing for was right there. Waiting for them. Worse even, there were seemingly more enemies than what had been expected. This also weighed on Walker''s mind as he could see things much more clearly from a distance after he had managed to tap in to true mana even more through altering his body. Everyone gathered on the forward most ship. They were sure that the forces they had needed to be better organized. Prepared for what the n of attack would be. They could not just storm the ind. The monsters that could be there might already be under siege and forced to be corrupted undead enemies. Trapped to follow the orders of the demon lord. "We caught up faster than we anticipated because the echidna guided us through the dangers of the ocean. They have been an immense help since they shared a great deal of their knowledge about the natural flow of the world and natural mana. I can see that many of you understand the benefits we have gained." Walker was earnest. He was d they had made it here sooner. Even though he felt he might still be way too weak to handle this major battle. "Right this moment, we should gauge our own strength. Many of those who began to grasp a little bit of what it means that the world is only a part of what everything should be. They should have gained some strength and insight. Some might not even be able to see their system right now. Mine is blocked after I went through my own process." This brought a collective shock through the leaders that had gathered with Walker to listen carefully. Alice and the party in particr felt extremely unsettled. They knew that the system was literally part of life. Having the view of it and using that to their advantage had always been what everyone did. But, Gil slowly raised his hand to get some attention. "I didn''t want to say anything, but the more I thought that elves might have the possibility to travel the elemental nes and see more to gain an understanding of it all. And how the elven ancestry was a high elf or had the ability to use all manas, that maybe there was a reason he was in our world. Well, I got some insight." "I can''t see how it all connects, but that theory seems to have ended with me blocking off my own system and it''s all gibberish. We even have a trantion skill that we learned through Walker." Gil made it clear that he was ufortable with this. This wasn''t bad though. No one could see how it was the worst thing. Yes, they didn''t have the system to give them a disy of strength and a few other things. But had they all actually needed that recently? Hadn''t they all been using their senses to better understand things? Weren''t they trying to change the world and the system as a whole?
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Wouldn''t that mean that they might alter the way the systems worked and that they should not rely on the ipleteness of the world''s system''s anyways?
"A few other elves mentioned that to me. Gil, I realize it may be how nature intended it right now. But nature might not just be nature. Nature might be existence or something else. It is not what I need to rely on now. Can you still fight?" Alma brought everyone to the right ce in this conversation. Eyes fell on Walker and Gil. their minds also on the various other soldiers in their joint force that may be experiencing this. "Even better than before. My mind is clearer. My body even feels like it has more mana somehow." Gil rolled his shoulders and nodded confidently. "I agree. My body was altered through understanding life man significantly more. I also changed the way I view all things. Since then, I have sensed changes in mana around me and my perception of everything. We can use these new perceptions. These new strengths, to our advantage. This brought a more serious tone to things. Walker had helped dismiss a lot of worries with that alone. "We will need to scout that ind. Split out goals for the moment. Some scouting that ind, some gauging our forces, and some doing whatever else they need to prepare. Anyone that needs help, can be offered it no matter what it is."
"Make sure everyone understands, this battle will, be the end of all this. I will refuse to let the demon lord cause damage to our home. To the world as a whole. We are making our stand. We are giving everything we have no matter what. If they can not, they will remain on the ship. One will stay behind." That was it. No one questioned anything else. The royal dragons had to speak to their dragonkin, the elves needed to talk, the merfolk, vampires, goblins, spiders, harpies, dwarves, and so on. It was time. …
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