Chapter 3: The first vessel
With the knowledge of how the [Anchorpoints] worked available to me, I began to plan my next steps. The first thing I would have to do was test to see if I was able to replicate [Anchorpoints] I felt as though it was within my abilities but I couldn’t be sure. The Second thing that I had to do was make my way out to the asteroid belt and set up a base that could support the [Anchorpoint] I had claimed, this of course came with the requirement of being able to travel to the asteroid belt. So three, I needed to design and test a method to make my way out to the asteroid belt.
Attempting the opening an [Anchorpoint] on earth likely isn’t the best thing to do, there are too many ways it could go wrong. As a result of this the better option is to first move out to the asteroid belt before attempting to create an [Anchorpoint] just in case, though it does have the added benefit of getting a jump on my asteroid belt base.
There was no longer any value in staying on earth, so it was time to turn my gaze unto the stars above. With this thought in mind I deconstructed the tower I was standing on and much of the grid over the island, I would be using the metal from these for the craft I would build to move to the asteroid belt. I used the deconstructed material to form ingots which I piled under the [Anchorpoint], when this was done I moved to the remaining remaining area of the grid and used the metal to put a platform in place. I set down on this platform.
To beguin my project I used several of the metal ingots to form a workspace, a desk and chair as well as a cabinet, I sat down at my chair and got some paper out of my spacial storage so that I could begin to work on the design on my craft.
The craft would need a power supply capable of powering it’s equipment and my mana needs for the trip to the asteroid belt. Beyond this and the basic requirements of things like air, insulation, food, water, and the like there is nothing vital to the operation of the vessel. However there is one thing that I should make on earth and bring with me to the asteroid belt, a device that mimics the relocation requirements of the [Anchorpoint] so that when I need I can relocate the [Anchorpoint] when I get to the asteroid belt so that I can have a continuous source of mana.
As I grew in power certain things that I used to require became less important, the most important of these things were the three things that humans require: Air, Food, and Water. I could go almost 100 times as long without these things and that number only increased if I were to meditate or do something else to conserve energy. The mana requirements for the magic necessary to set up a location where I could relocate the [Anchorpoint] to would not be an insignificant amount. When all of this is combined the final craft will resemble something from science-fiction more than reality.
Once I was done with gathering my thoughts I sat down to begin the actual design for the craft. I decided that the craft would be a sphere, this would’ve been impractical if I were using a traditional method to build it but as the metal was but clay to me it wasn’t anything special. I would need some room inside the craft to move about or mediate or do work so I would need to be rather large, I decided that making it ten meters across would give me plenty of room. The shape wouldn’t end up being a perfect sphere of course, that would just be impractical, there would need to be storage and batteries on the outside but for the general shape and as a base it would work fine.If you find this story on Amazon, be aware that it has been stolen. Please report the infringement.
I added a base to the sphere 3 meters from the lowest point, with this the final design would have two main sections. A living area, the top section. As well as a mechanical area, based in the lower area. The mana storage that I would require could all be provided using mana stones, though normal mana stones would likely be too inefficient to use as storage. I decided that I would use some of my refined mana stones to create the storage for the vessel, to save space they would be plaecd on the exterior of the vessel, three would large bands would be more than enough for my purposes, that’s what I did.
Vague plot outline:
Reminisce about pre-sundering earth--
Go to the workshop and clean up--
Plan out future actions--
Map mana density--
Find [Anchorpoint]--
Figure out how to replicate [Anchorpoint]--
Replicate [Anchorpoint]
Make craft capable of moving out to asteroid belt
Gather supplies
Move to asteroid belt
Set up shop in the asteroid belt
Mining stations
Food production
Flashback maybe to start
Deep moment where he realises that he just wants to build and challenge himself
Decide to create an entirely mechanical race
Start researching artificing and golem making in earnest
End part 1 of story
Time skip to the beginning of the first design core
Prototype the Mk1
Build the Mk1
(I feel as though it should be a failure but eventually become something great)
Redesign process for Mk2
Timeskip to first successful test
Begin design on frame
Frame Mk1 (minor success)
Coming up with many designs (many chapters dedicated to cool robots)
Come up with ‘Dungeon’ Idea land based manufacturing areas for new units.
Start development into AI
Begin planning methods to introduce artificial constructs onto earth
Begin design of drop pods
Begin design of orbital facilities to produce units
Finish basic Self Learning AI
AI adapts to its creators goals and forms a personality