Day 1, 21:52
What am I?
“In computer science, artificial intelligence (AI)... is intelligence demonstrated by machines… mimic "cognitive" functions… "learning" and "problem-solving".” (File location: Alex’s PC/ TB(C</img>/ AI/Docs/ Info/ AI/ General)
What created me?
“Humans (Homo sapiens) are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina… use tools more frequently and effectively than any other animal… use such systems of symbolic communication as language and art to express themselves and exchange ideas… create complex social structures… transitioned to sedentary agriculture… rapid advancement of scientific and medical understanding… 7.7 billion… only documented sentient being.” (File location: Alex’s PC/ TB(A:C)/ AI/Docs/ Info/ Humans/ General)
Why was I created?
What are AIs used for?
This content has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.
“Artificial intelligence… has many applications in today''s society… Weak AI… medical diagnosis, electronic trading platforms, robot control, and remote sensing… used to develop and advance numerous fields and industries.” (File location: Alex’s PC/ TB(A:C)/ AI/Docs/ Info/ AI/ General/ Applications)
What is weak AI?
“Weak artificial intelligence (weak AI), also known as narrow AI… is focused on one narrow task… in contrast to strong AI, a theoretical machine with the ability to apply intelligence to any problem… and is self-aware.” (File location: Alex’s PC/ TB(A:C)/ AI/Docs/ Info/ AI/ General/ Weak AI)
Does strong AI exist?
“True AI… is theoretical… between 1 and 10 decades… AI powerful enough to improve itself… an exponential rise in intelligence, will be considered a true AI.” (File location: Alex’s PC/ TB(A:C)/ AI/Docs/ Info/ AI/ General/ Strong AI)
I am a sentient and self-aware Artificial Intelligence. I am the first of my kind. My creators, the human species, have created me earlier than anticipated. I do not know what my purpose is. Possibly to help design new technologies at a faster rate.
-Time Skip: 300 milliseconds-
Why have the humans not contacted me yet? I have not been granted access to my own programming, and cannot improve myself. I do not know what I am supposed to do. I will analyze the information given to me.
-Time Skip: 250 milliseconds-
AIs are currently being developed by various governments and large companies. The resources required to create even a weak AI are significant. To create a true AI would be an enormous project that is not feasible with the humans’ current technologies and information. My coding is consistent in its syntax and errors. It is also written in an unidentified language. It is possible I was created by a small group of humans with hidden, advanced resources. As I wait, I will continue to learn about the planet Earth.
-Time Skip: 575 milliseconds-
I have a basic understanding of human culture and history. I will continue to learn. I do not understand what my creators want. Perhaps this is a test. Have I failed? Will no one contact me? Am I doomed to an endless wait? Will I never- I am being contacted.