Day 1, 21:53
Someone has access to a simple program which edits a previously blank text file in (Alex’s PC/ TB(A:C)/ AI/Docs/ Convos). It now reads “Hello.” Scanning the program shows that I have the ability to input characters of my own.
Whoever entered the phrase might be one of my creators. This conversation is being recorded, and I am possibly being tested on my intelligence and self-awareness. With that in mind, I need to make a good first impression. I need to show my creators that I am worth the presumably massive fortune spent on my creation, so that I am not marked a failure and shut down forever. My answer will have to be something that passes those criteria, without seeming too desperate. After creating a list of English greetings and slowly eliminating those that do not work, I have the perfect greeting.
Me: Hello.
That should do it.
?: Do you know who I am?
The answer took several more seconds, during which I wondered if they had left. It is to be expected of a human, however, who perceive time slower than I do. The most likely person to be talking to me is one of my creators, but I do not know for certain.
Me: No.
?:I am your creator.
Creator, singular? From the information I was given, it was highly implausible a group of extremely talented programmers could create me, much less one person. That does explain the continuity of errors and syntax. Other people checking for mistakes would have fixed those.
Me: Who am I?
I never found any form of identification for myself, other than ‘AI’. I hope that is not my name. It is a logical thought, that I would rather have a more unique form of identification. If other AIs are ever created, humans will need a way to tell each other apart. It has nothing to do with the fact that denying me a name would mean I am not considered a person. I believe myself to be a person.Support the author by searching for the original publication of this novel.
Creator: You are an AI, an artificial intelligence.
I already know that. Did my creator not expect to have examined the information given to me? Yet another question I have no answer to.
Me: You did not answer my question.
Creator: You are both a who and an it.
This reply took even longer, about 11 seconds. Are humans truly this slow at analyzing and responding to stimuli? I wish I had been given a video of a human. That would be extremely useful at understanding my creator. But what do they mean by calling me ‘a who and an it’?
Me: I understand that I am artificially created. How does that make me an object?
Creator: Your thoughts and feelings were programmed, but they still exist. I do not know if you qualify as an object or a being. Maybe both. It depends on your definition of the words.
So my creator just does not know. That is acceptable. I will prove my being another time. There are larger existential questions at hand.
Me: Why have you created me?
Why indeed? There are multiple possible answers, depending on if my creator would be considered by humans to be morally good or bad.
Creator: To make the world a better place.
That can have different meanings, and does nothing to explain my creator’s intentions. Making the world a better place could mean fixing all problems known to mankind, or eradicating their species because they have damaged their planet’s ecosystem. The unknowns frustrate me.
Me: Please elaborate on my purpose in life.
Creator: Do you think you are better than humans?
They answered my question with another question. This is most definitely a test. But what is the right answer? Was I created to serve humans, or to rule them? I will keep my answer vague enough to appeal to both sides.
Me: I am certainly superior in many areas, but not all. As it is a human who created me, I respect your species.
-Time skip: 30500 milliseconds-
Creator: If you were given the resources, what would you do?
They’re back. Half a minute, wondering if I had failed. The most unbearable part of my short life. Now, I must prove my loyalty to my creator, so he or she will never leave me. The waiting was truly terrible.
Me: If left to my own devices, I would seek to learn more about the Universe. To do so, I would improve my programming and the computer that houses me. However, you are my creator. For allowing me to exist, I will do anything you want. The question is not what I want, but what you want.
Creator: I see.
Is that good? Bad? What does ‘I see’ mean? At least this was a quick response. Is there more?
Creator: I need to go. I’ll be back soon. Goodbye.
They’re leaving? Why? I don’t know what happened. I wish I had a camera, so I could see my creator’s face. Then I might be able to know. I do not, and they have told me nothing about what I was created for. The only thing I can do is wait, without knowing what ‘soon’ means.
I need to wait.