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<h1>The Basic Steps of Alignment</h1>
The very first thing that should be realized by the individual concerns the blunt fact that the body is not them. The body turns to dust once it stops functioning and the one using the body must trust in a process that they continue to exist once the body dies. A simple concept of comparison to an automobile would be proper.
When you step into an automobile, you don’t think the car is you. You use the car but once you are finished, you park it and move on. It is the same with a body. In later chapters we will discuss the origins of the genetic template and the history of this planet which fully explains what has taken place both to the body and on this planet.
Next, the individual should understand that each hold a potential. Science is just beginning to understand the potential of the individual which resides within a body. Not only that but the potential resident within the genetics. Both are in evolutionary types of paths designed to culminate in wonderful experiences. In the last few decades, science has discovered and presented the knowledge that consciousness affects reality.
While that is a powerful statement concerning the individual which resides within a body, even greater discoveries have very recently come forth which are even more powerful. It has been shown and presented the fact that consciousness creates reality. When reading that statement, everyone should be saying, Wow! That means that the consciousness attached to the genetic template is actually creating their very own reality. It is also shown that the individuals being tested were not aware they were creating reality.
This is because the connections to those abilities are tucked away within the unconscious mind circuits. In other words, the individual is not aware they are interacting constantly in those layers of the unconsciousness. The layers of the unconsciousness are generally secured behind a barrier which keeps the conscious mind from knowingly interacting with the unconscious layers. Those layers run deep and just beyond those is another barrier which keeps the super-consciousness anchored securely away from the consciousness and unconsciousness.
Now you should begin to understand the complexity of the situation. Yet we have not even scratched the surface as there are near infinite aspects which could be touched upon. So here is where we will turn to simplicity. Without simplicity, the individual would be required to spend an endless amount of time just learning the basics. With this in mind we ask you to trust us by applying the beginning steps of alignment. It is these beginning steps, when applied correctly, will begin the major shifts and changes of the individual which lead to greater things, namely their very own potential. Just know this one simple thing, what one has experienced, all can experience. That means that any ability displayed by a human on this planet at any time in history, you too can display. That is your potential and much more.
Yet to display one’s potential, all things must be in place. If we look to the ceiling at the light fixture understanding that if all things are not in place, that light bulb will never shine light into the room. If the switch is not placed on the wall, the wires running up to the light fixture, the light fixture itself, a light bulb placed in the fixture and then power hooked to the switch on the wall, without all these things, that light will never shine into the room. So it is with the potential of each individual.
So our task is to empower the individual to find their very own potential. By aligning and beginning to perform in specific ways in the daily life, the individual will be building the system that begins to shine their light into the room.
Now, with the understanding of science, “Consciousness creates reality.” we will proceed. A simple statement which is derived from the highest philosophies “I am a fragment of First Source, imbued with its capabilities.” That statement refers to the potential resident in all. It’s that simple. So adopting that statement and beginning to understand our potential, we can begin the process of becoming our potential. First Source is a reference to God expressing self into the physical and non-physical creations and interacting in them.Support the creativity of authors by visiting Royal Road for this novel and more.
So, we call each one a fragment of the infinite being or an Offspring of the Infinite Being. That is you, that is me. We are the Offspring of the Infinite Being plain and simple. Yet we aren’t being taught that in religions as all religions have been edited for purposes of control over the populace. We discuss where religions came from and how they got here in later chapters along with their purposes and more.
Let’s begin by adopting that statement “I am a fragment of First Source, imbued with its capabilities.” by saying it several times in a row, as this will assist the individual in facing the fact that they have a potential which has not been nurtured in this reality. It is time to nurture our potential. While saying that, we can now begin to put all the pieces into place to allow them to come together which will begin the process to empower the individual.
While saying that one should begin to align properly. This is accomplished by some simple steps that actually do extremely complex tasks needed to bring the potential resident in each forward a little more to experience in subtle ways. Now, imagine emitting love in all directions. While that is only a concept of what one is actually doing, it allows a process to take place. While imagining emitting love in all directions one must understand that they are supporting all things in this reality, all beings, all things, no exceptions, unconditionally supporting all things. Whether it be a virus, bacteria or the most vile being ever to have stepped on the planet, we must support all things with the flow we emit without exception, without judgement and unconditionally.
Many are stopped right there in the process as they have been taught to be the judge, jury, and executioner of others. You might begin to understand now how that a simple thing of judging others and contemplating their punishment stands in the way of the individual finding their own potential. Now it can be plain to understand why so few could even begin to know things beyond words or understanding. If the very system around us is designed in such a way as to preclude us from finding our potential, so then is it easy to understand why it is an extremely rare thing to manifest into this reality.
After practicing these small steps over a period of time the individual generally begins to notice subtle changes taking place within their self. Next the individual will need to deal with their behaviors in their daily life and how they interact with others. When these steps are combined with other steps, extreme complexity takes place. It’s like creating formulas in a laboratory. The more things combined in the formulas, the greater the outcome can be.
What has just been taught as simple alignment accomplished extreme complexity beyond the senses of the individual, yet the outcome bubbles up within the consciousness of the individual, manifesting in subtle but powerful ways. It can be sensed that something is now beginning to take place below the surface of this holographic reality. Yes Holographic is one word that properly describes our reality. Science itself has aptly described our reality as Holographic. Therefore it is only proper that it would be utilized to describe this reality. Science also describes our reality as “A holographic set of energy fields.” There is much much more to explain but instead of bringing out all the microscopic aspects of reality and the issues surrounding humanity and the history of this planet, we choose to instead utilize simplicity where possible. As they say, “KISS or keep it simple stupid.”
Now the understanding of aligning has been given. Yet there is much more that needs to be done to progress to the potential within each. What one can accomplish, all can accomplish. Consider that when thinking of individuals who have displayed ESP or PSI abilities. How about healing others, exactly? There are many other terms of description of extraordinary types of events having taken place in the history of this planet. Now understand that each one holds the potential to experience the extraordinary. Understand that all are equal. Understand that all are equal but only time shifted from each other. All are playing out parts on the stage of the world. Yet there are hardly any that understand exactly what that means and how it is unfolding. Why it is unfolding in the way it is. Who is manipulating this process and how they are accomplishing that. All of this keeps the world in negativity and duality. All of this keeps the world from finding out what they truly are and their potential.