Approximately two thirds of the subjects from the previous headquarters have been transported to the new one successfully and are accounted for. Subjects placed in different facilities were not moved, as special protocol is needed to interact with the subjects with their own facilities, let alone moving them to a new location. Few subjects attempted escape, but were handled immediately by the stronger agents available in our roster.
One of the notable subjects that tried to escape is subject C-0892. A child’s teddy bear, found after reports of squeaking noises in an abandoned house near [DATA REMOVED]. It has been shown to be made out of regular synthetic fur and cotton, yet still has the ability to move without the use of joints. Although not lethal or threatening in a physical manner, the effects it has on the human mind is remarkable.
The constant squeaking has shown to be detrimental to any personnel’s mental health, shown to induce depression, paranoia and unease after copious amounts of time guarding. Due to a misunderstanding between protocols for guarding subject C-0892, the guards were left incapacitated as the subject squeaked constantly for 3 hours straight. The breach was contained easily after the guards noticed something amiss when the guards did not respond to regular patrol.
Now placed within a small sound-proof room, the guards are rotated at an hourly basis, wearing ear plugs.
A more intentional and dangerous attempt at escape was performed by subject S-0021, attempting to escape before the entrance to the headquarters. Subject S-0021 is sentient water, to be simply put. Found after the tribe of Sakhalar in Africa was found dead, holes pierced from within, their bodies entirely robbed of any moisture. Agent [CLASSIFIED] handled subject by ingesting it and regurgitating subject S-0021 into a tank built to contain it. Glowing a bluish hue, it simply looks like illuminating water as it lay still in a sturdy, glass tank. While sentient, it does not seem to have the intelligence of a human. Threat letter S classification is applied due to its ability to merge itself with other bodies of water, making it very capable of spreading to the whole world, very fast and capable of damaging the world beyond repair. Containment was key to preventing any disaster.Love this novel? Read it on Royal Road to ensure the author gets credit.
As it neared headquarters, subject increased it’s temperatures to high levels [an ability it hasn’t shown since its capture back in [DATA CORRUPTED]], cracking the glass it was transported into. Sentient water splashed on nearby personnel, boiling them alive as it took the moisture residing within their bodies. Overseer S handled the unruly subject. 8 personnel, 0 agents were lost during it’s attempt at escape.
Subject S-0021 is now placed in a multi-layer glass tank that is resistant to heat, cold, puncturing while also being shatter-proof. Research conducted with subject is to be approved of and be supervised constantly by Agents specially tasked to deal with liquid-based lifeforms. Incapable of human speech, a debriefing of its prison is not necessary. Any liquids are to be kept 50 metres away from Subject S-0021’s cell at all times, and living creatures are not to be placed within subject. Failure to follow instruction will be faced with immediate termination.
While these subjects were the only ones to attempt escape out of a few thousand, a more dangerous subject has killed more personnel and put even more out of commission during its transportation.
Subject H-0121, known simply as ‘Tentacles’, is a writhing mass of tentacles with large, bulbous shapes at the ends and large veins pulsing continuously throughout and all varying sizes, similar to that of a mammal’s [DATA EXPLICIT] which produces a sweet smelling scent that drives people to lust driven madness. No actual face or head has been found, and attempts to search and find the subject’s visage have remained unsuccessful. It was transported in a large metal container with only a single hole to allow the creature daily sustenance.
Through an insignificant gap to provide sustenance and air for subject H-0121, the subject entered the 10 guards surrounding the prison through multiple body orifices, and 3 of the subjects were pulled into the hole, which was half a foot in diameter. The 3 were crushed, and only blood splatter remained of the 3 personnel yanked into its cage. The remaining were collapsed in pleasure when they were discovered and are all in intensive therapy for recovery.
This was one of the many incidents that occurred during the 3 day transport. 18 personnel were KIA/MIA, whereas 52 are currently in therapy similar to that of sexual assault victims. Complete recovery highly likely for all, amnestics may be applied to help recovery.
Now placed in a room with NO holes whatsoever, subject H-0121’s food is transported through a small slot in the door. Any unauthorised movement will activate the flame-throwers, incinerating any tentacle that peeks outside of its cage. Guards are placed outside of the hallway leading to the cage, armored with fire resistant suits that also cover any body orifices along with firearms if the flame-throwers fail to activate in an attempt to escape.
More shipments of subjects are incoming within the next 3 hours, paperwork and confirmation must be handled.
Overseer S, signing off.