Approximately 4.7 billion years later
Gloek’s POV
Gloek sat perched near the edge of a large lower branch in the tree he was hiding in. Ever muscle tensed in anticipation as he kept his query in sight. Gloek’s pale green hand gripped a rough leather sling. Slowly pulling a stone from the pouch at his side Gloek held his breath. Salivating at the thought of fresh meat Gloek waited for his pray to wander just a bit closer. Taking aim Gloek began to whirl his sling at precisely the right position just as he was about to release the stone the adolescent Deer-Mouse raised its antlered head in alert.
Gloek stifled a hiss while halting the whirling of his sling. Now that he was less focused on the potential strike he was able to feel something at the edge of his awareness. Goose bumps rose on his arms and legs as he noticed that the forest had grown unnaturally quiet. At the moment of this realization a large thundering noise surrounded him. No longer was he concerned for the Deer-mouse now running full tilt away from him he was more focused on the ground, it began to shift than the tree began to rock violently from side to side Gloek lost his balance and fell from the tree, terrified he ran full tilt towards the direction of his tribe.
“The Spirits must be angry.”
As the earth’s shaking intensified ancient trees began to fall, roots clawing at the sky like the gnarled hands of the oldest of the village elders. Kicking himself into an even faster sprint Gloek dodged between the dense foliage navigating the treacherous terrain as quickly as his short legs could take him. A resounding boom reverberated across the woodland while the quaking of the earth deepened. When Gloek broke free of the foliage and entered a clearing, he saw a tear in the ground before him begin to take form. Stumbling to his hands and knees as he struggled to stop before he was swallowed up by the dark chasm, Gloek began to quickly crawl backwards. The tear in the earth grew larger and larger, looking as though it were the gaping maw of a razor toothed wyvern yawning before him.
Gloek curled into a quivering ball arms shielding his oblong head and large pointed ears from whatever angry spirit created this anomaly.
‘Truly a powerful Spirit has taken offence to whatever resided in this clearing before I arrived here.’
The quaking earth began to calm even as the last of the rumbling faded away Gloek remained in his position, his ragged breath and the beating of his heart the only sounds that could be heard.
As time passed Gloek eventually began to relax his breathing his trembling subsided. Raising his head, he noticed that the sounds of the forest had already returned. Lifting himself into a seated position Gloek decided to think about what his next step should be.
‘I wonder if the Spirit’s wrath could be felt at the village, or if they remain ignorant. Either way I need to head back and report this to the Shaman.’
Deciding on his course of action Gloek stood and edged his way closer to the opening in the ground.
‘Perhaps I could just take a peek.’
Peering over the edge Gloek gazed into the abyss jagged rocks protruded from all sides as far down as he could see. Looking down in wonder something caught his eye.
“Soo Shiny!” Gloek gasped.
Excitement filled Gloek when he laid eyes on an object 14 paces below him jutting out from the opposite side of the chasm. Gloek no longer wary in his eagerness quickly ran around to the other side of the gap. Where he began to make his way down toward the shiny object of his desire.
‘With this there is no way she would refuse me!’This tale has been pilfered from Royal Road. If found on Amazon, kindly file a report.
Alighting on an overhand just wide enough to stand on, Gloek came face to face with the object. He realized that it was made up of some sort of shiny glowing rock. The shininess looked like the bits of metal Elders and Shaman used to display their status. Most of ‘the people’ used bone, wood, and stone to pierce their brows, ears and noses. The color was like nothing he had ever seen worn by ‘the people’ this was a glossy dark silver black with a hint of blue. The surface of the strange rock rippled and had slight bumps along it’s surface reminiscent to the texture of cave lizards while maintaining its smooth surface. The glow reminded him of some of the types of mushrooms native to the caves his people lived in.
Reaching out to grasp the fist sized hunk of rock Gloek hesitated while looking down worried that he may drop the precious object. Steeling himself his hand inched closer just as he was about to touch it the hair on his arms and at the nape of his neck began to rise as though the air was energized by one of the Shaman’s rituals.
Gritting his teeth Gloek’s hand touched the smooth glossy surface, a jolt of energy rushes up his arm, from the contact at his fingers all the way to his elbow slightly numbing the feeling in his limb as though he had lost circulation. Loosing focus on what he was doing Gloek released his hold of the stone staring at his hand in wonder Gloek knew this feeling.
“Magic,” He spoke in a hushed tone. “It is a magic rock!”
A covetous gleam entered his eye, ignoring any discomfort touching the stone caused, Using the blunted edge of his flint dagger Gloek began to pry it from the cliffside making sure that he doesn’t lose his footing in the process. After prying the rock from where it was seated into the wall he used his other hand to empty his ammo pouch. Gloek watch as the smooth river stones tumbled down into the blackness beneath him and shuddered. After placing his prize into his now empty leather pouch he made his way up out of the chasm.
Standing at the surface he breaths a sigh of relief giving one last glance to the chasm he turned and started his long walk back to the village and back to Keklia.
Elemental’s POV
The ground surrounding the awareness began to shake violently in every direction. Somehow this was different from all the previous disturbances experienced. The mind was quickly awoken from its slumbering. This shaking was more purposeful in its direction. Instead of the common rocking back and forth that the earth seemed to favor this vibration seemed to push on the previously hibernating entity urging it towards the surface. The rocking and swaying intensified until finally the earth cracked giving a narrow perspective of the surface.
‘What’s this? Everything is so different and… vibrant! Never have I felt anything like this.’
The energies surrounding are not like the violent waves caused by colliding with other objects or the heat from the liquids residing far below, nor were they like the blinding radiance of the brightness above. No, this energy was wistful and played at the edge of understanding. Tiny specks of energy flowing between the currents of heated and cooled atmosphere playing around themselves and surrounding large wells of soft energy branching into the sky reaching for the radiant energy that sown from elsewhere high above the contained atmosphere. More vibrant energies of the same type although consisting of slightly different concentrations roamed the top of the surface mass while others seemed to swing from the softer branching in the sky. Here and there the consciousness could sense numerous energies gliding on the atmospheric currents higher up above than even the largest of branching energies. Amazement was felt when the realization that these new energies were influenced but not bound to follow the whims of natural forces. The gliding energies in the sky could change direction seeming of their own violation the wandering energies roaming on the ground choosing directions seemingly at random.
‘How fascinating!’
But that’s not all, something even more peculiar and interesting was present. The entity noticed a balled-up mass of quivering energy not far from the edge of the opening the consciousness couldn’t help but feel anticipation when this new well of energy came closer to its location. Moments passed while the energy grew ever closer until it was almost in contact. An appendage stretched even closer than the mass. A small jolt of fear spread through the being once contact was made a small discharge of energy drained from that consciousness and into the new energy at contact. The energy caused Vibrations in the air. “Magic... it is a magic rock!” The jumbled vibrations unnerved him as the aura of the energy, now caressing him changed to a different configuration. A shocked realization came next.
‘This energy, it had understanding! It is also aware! The aura on this energy no… this being is similar of what I had seen from others of my kind from before the new, before the great dispersal of mass!’
With this new realization the consciousness felt it’s fear begin to ebb away. The implications of this new understanding continued to run circles in it’s mind. It barely took notice as it was torn from the cliff face and packed away.