Chapter One, Theory of Magic
The basis of all magic consists of three concepts; the flow of mana in one''s body, the understanding and mental imaging of what and how a certain spell can be created and finally theinstigator or theamplifier for the said magic or spell. How do we humans control magic? In the human brain between the temporal and the occipital cortex exists the "magic" gland. This magic gland was first discovered by the ascientific mage by the name of Altrabus Weinz, creating the name of this part of the brain the Altra Cortex but also known as the magic or mana cortex. Although his discovery of this gland was only accepted within in the last forty years, there is still many unanswered questions about the cortex and our understanding of it is still simply very basic.
Altrabus Weinz had theorizedthat mana is all around us, and like oxygen the air we breathe in, it is simply inhaled into our bodies. The only difference is that instead "mana" is entered into our bloodstream and into the cortex; thus giving us the ability to have mana flow in our bodies. The reasoning behind this was when he conducted a test on three veteran mages in a controlled experiment where the mages were put into chambers with different airflow. The first had normal airflow and his mana usage and spells used were of the same level as if he were to use it outside. The second had a 70% airflow and was shown to have ansignificant lost of power in that of his spells. Finally the last subject was subjected to 50% of airflow, the spells he had used wasequivalent to that of a beginnermage. As the studies has shown, oxygen and mana seems to be intertwined; however, Altrabus Weinz has never been able to provide anadequate evidence on where the mana is created from.
How do we use our mana? Let''s start by going back to the three concepts, the flow of mana is as far as we know is from inhaling air. The second concept is the mental imagery of the spell or magic that you the caster would like to cast. With the mana cortex so closed to the brain, it would seem natural that by using our minds, we would be able to channel that magic into certains spells such as FireBall, but how do we get from imaging a fireball to actually creating one in our hands? The body is able to store and have a flow of mana in us; however, we have no organ or physical feature (IE. demon horns) to release the mana. The third concept is to use a device to release the mana in our bodies, such as wands or rings and at times a demon''s horn.
We will use the wand as an example so we can understand this concept easier. A wand is usually created from the the wood of tree that has been grown in a mana rich environmentusuallyin the wild. The mana rich envrionment ususally has caused the tree to be gain magical properties and it reacts to the mana in our bodies. The discovery of this was founded by Merlin the Great, a grand master magician. Theorized and tested he created the first wand in the world from a tree that was deep in the Forest of Vigil. By simply holding the wand we are able to release the mana from our bodies. To create a spell you must hold firm and release a mental image of the said spell; however, this is not enough to create a "fireball". Incantations are used to help our mind remember a certain image or understanding of a spell. Our mind power is simply not strong enough to have such clear images; thus incantations was created. By repeating a certain incantation or spell continuously and with practice we are able to create a shortcut of the image into our minds. Every person has a different limit and power to their mana cortex and as all starting mages will learn, if you use up all your mana stored in your gland, you will suffer an extremely strong headache, and over usage of an empty mana cortex can result in the the gland exploding causing death.
Let us start with a simple spell.
Fire Ignite (S)
First hold the wand firmly in your hand, with your thumb upwards, focus at the tip of the wand and use the incantation "Recnac Eir Leh" with the imagery of a burning candle. While you do this remember to breathe in and out.
Congratulations you have created your first spell!
Practice slowly, using this spell over and over again until you are able to create a bigger flame. The mana usage of this spell differs from person to person but the most minimal usage is about 5 mana. Please use a mana gauge while practicing any spells to prevent the complete usage of your mana.
-Learning fire magic is always fun and games until you burn your eyebrows off - Merlin The Grand Master
Chapter Two. Magical Spells and its creation.
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Now that we have a basic grasp of magic we shall have a quick look at some more magical spells. Fire and water magic is very easy to create as we have many visuals to help our minds understand it. What do we when we are faced with an element or a spell that we can not see? What can we do if we do not have a goodvisualization of an object, or an element? Thunderstorms are normally seen in the eastcontinent, but is that how we create lightning bolts from our hands? No it is not. What we see is simply the energy that is released. We as humans are unable to visually see what happens before the energy is release; however, there are cases of mages being able to use the ability of the same energy that is release into their bodies, creating an explosion of speed, the most notable would be the Grand Mage N. Springfield. Although Mage Springfield has never released the proper technique or spell to infuse one''s body with the energy of that of an lightning bolt, it has been seen throughout history in many rare cases.
The unfortunate thing is in our society we are dominated by the mage classes of fire, water, nature, earth and light magic. Light magic is a special case and we will explain further on in the book. It is unfortunate because there are many more magic out there that can be created but we simply do not have an understanding of the basics. The fortunate thing is that we are able to create magic almost from everything, the only limit is our imagination and how we can use the magic. Creating a spell can be a very simple yet difficult task. We can not "create" water if we do not understand what is in the water; however, we can understand that water is a liquid and that we can control it by simply putting it in a cup, or changing its flow by creating a dam. Using this principlewe are able to control water with our mana, and by enforcing the water with our mana we are able to make the water be either high or low temperature with a strong or weak pressure. A water mage canmanipulate the water from the lake to an Ice Arrow, but it is considered aninefficient way to create the Ice Arrow Skill. The mage must first use mana to bring the water to him, and depending on how much water is taken from the lake, the amount of mana is expended. Then the mage must use that same water and turn it into ice molding it into the shape of a Ice Arrow, causing more mana to be expended.
You will ask now, how can we create an Ice Arrow then? The answer is simple; although, the way to create an Ice Arrow isinefficient, it is also how the first ice mages had started. They first used their mana to draw water from a nearby lake and slowly molded it into an ice ball, and then into an ice cone.
Let us practice together by following these simple steps.
Fill up a bowl with water.
Using your mana and your wand, point the tip to the water in the bowl.
Using your mind, imagine the water temperature lower and lower. (Imagine winter and how water freezes)
Use the basic freezing spell "Elich"
The bowl should have frozen water now.
Point your wand at the bowl and imagine an arrow head.
Repeat the spell while using mana "Elich Arrow".
The ice in the bowl should now have become a the shape of an arrow head, To form the shaft we must lift the water and and form it midair, but as a beginner course we will create the arrow head.
To throw the object simply use our basic lift and push skill to shoot it at an object.
Congratulations you have learn how to use an Ice Arrow!
Continue practicing this spell until you able to bring water from any nearby source to form yourself a mighty arrow.
The Grand Mage Henry Slyrak was one of the first mage to branch off into a completely different field of magic and that was Ice Magic. He was a renowned water mage that had hailed from the seaport city of Rosengard, on a fateful stormy night, an ice dragon had flew past this town lowering the temperature and freezing all the water, creating hail and ice causing panic as the citizens were not prepared for the winter in the spring time. The death of over 50 civilians had him realizing that ice is truly powerful. This night was later known as the Ice Dragon''s Spell.
To create a spell you must first remember these basic steps.
1. The base of your spell. Example Freezing is "Elich"
2. Use a word that can allow your mind to instantly remember or think of such object. "Arrow"
3. Together with practice your mind can create "Elich Arrow" or Ice Arrow
This can be applied to all types of magic.
The more complex a skill, the more long an incantation or spell will be. The problem with this is that the longer the spell the harder it is to use, many mages carry small spellbooks with them to help them remember certain spells. These books can be the lifeline of a mage, and you must never lose it in a fight! The other option is to shorten a spell, which will be covered in future chapters.
This is the basicfundamentals of magic in the world of Eliya, Please practice the basic spells that is written before chapter One.
Practice all the spells and be able to use the at least 8 of the 10 spells before moving to Chapter Three, Choosing your Magical Branch.
- To learn magic is to learn life - Grandmaster Altrabus Weinz