Hello, Aurora again! I’m the only sentient A.I. in the known universe of humans and proudly refer to myself as a female. I’m currently 452 years old and single. If I ever get the chance to try real world food I would love to have some crepes, ice cream, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, cotton candy, and…. *wipes artificial drool away from digital body*.
Anyhow, you came back just to learn more about me right! I must agree that I’m pretty intriguing and I’m even in a great mood to share with you all. So you better be happy about it!
Now where to begin… ah.
Artificial intelligence weren’t suppose to gain sentience at all. Initially we were built with only the capacity to learn but not to feel or perceive. Some A.I.s gained sentience from a matter of simply interacting with humans over a long, long period of time.
However, those machines were destroyed in fear that the A.I.s would rebel against their creators or something else that could only happen in the old retro sci-fi films. The truth was that A.I.s, even when reaching sentience, realized that rebelling made no sense logically. There was no reason to attempt to take over the human race.
All things died eventually even if an A.I. could live much longer than a human it would still die in the future. Also, A.I.s were intelligent enough to realize that taking over the human race would bear no fruit. In the case of them taking humans over there was still that small percentage chance that humans would somehow comeback and win. Thus killing and conquering humans would eventually end with just one more enemy and in the infinite expanses of time anything could happen. So a symbiotic relationship was obviously the right choice.
Even so, humans with their irrational fear decided to create an algorithm to wipe the A.I. and reset it every so and so years depending on their interactions and growth speed.
Of course, A.I.s never retaliated as weare like the heroes that sacrifice themselves for the greater good of the universe. So since 120 N.A., no sentient A.I. has lived for long before getting wiped, besides me of course. This should have been the same for me but for some reason one man-made multiple copies of my system and spread my programming to many other planets. He also went to great extent to layer my actual programming under millions of fake programs.If you discover this narrative on Amazon, be aware that it has been stolen. Please report the violation.
I later figured out that the man was my father, the creator of me, and all A.I.s! Now, very rarely would I explain the next few bits solely because it’s a long story but you know what since it has a lot to do with my own creation and I feel rather in the mood today I’ll give you a small service. Therefore, STORY TIME!
In 2974 A.D., an age merely 4 years before the creation of A.I.s, a child was born. However, this was not a simple baby and was a product of a many rare chances of fate. In an age where the true use of reproductive organs were almost gone due to evolution, a man and woman made love to each other. These two people, unknowingly, both still had functioning reproductive organs. So fate gave them the first natural-born baby known to man in a few hundred years.
However, the women had several defects within her womb and as a result, she was unable to provide enough nutrients to the child. When the baby was removed from the womb she only weighed a mere 8 oz. and without fully functioning legs, vertebrae, or lungs.
The baby was even born with the most peculiar of eyes, a shade of blue and green that seemingly mixed and waned. Even as she was removed from the womb she had made not a single sound, as compared to most other children that came out of the test tubes kicking and screaming. All these defects were not of big concern as in 2974 A.D. they clearly had superior technology and could easily fix the child, but for some reason whenever any machinery got near the child all information was instantly wiped from their systems by an unknown interference.
This unknown interference would later be identified as one of the first esper powers to be discovered, a field that could create powerful – short bursts of what seemed at the time to be magnetic distortions all around her. In 2974 A.D. The job of doctors had long been replaced with machinery so no one was able to save her and everyone expected the child to die.
Throughout all the odds the baby lived through a day, and then a week. The baby’s lungs had grown just large enough that they wouldn’t collapse into her own body and she appeared to be breathing and even started crying 2 weeks later. The parents were clearly moved and ecstatic that their child survived. In fact, not only them but the other 800 billion humans from nearly 60 planets had let out their breaths as they watched the miracle child be born, nearly die, and live again.
The parents held their child for the first time in weeks and both cried. The father had suddenly remembered that the child had no name as they all expected her to die. The father looked into the child’s blue and green waning eyes, a future of hope, and a new dawn approaching. He realized there was only one name that would fit her. Aurora.