“No, she is the Person you seek. I was asked a bit before to give someone directions to her Home if they ask after a Cousin called Vanessa or everyone else from her Family.”
”Welcome to the Family! Welcome Hug?”
Vanessa opens her arms wide for an invitation for a Hug.
It looks like a pretty bad attempt of trying to gloss over a bad first Impression.
But Sabrina doesn’t see any reason to decline, since her taunts were only a bit annoying, and not malicious.
If she wanted, she could have played it cool, but messing with her would be Cousin was funnier.
The little Girl smiles brightly at the Hug, but a bit of Gloom mixes as she notices her forehead gets pressed against shoulder blade and collarbone.
Noticing and deciding to be a bit mean, ahem, testing her character, Sabrina teases her a bit.
“You’re shorter than I expected.”
At the Words, Vanessa let go of the Hug and strikes a Pose, with a Fist to the Sky and her other hand on her Hips.
”You will see. Soon, I will grow in unmatched Speed!”
Sabrina stifles her Laugher at the fast Reaction and pose.
But she has an Agenda to work on.
She still needs supplies form Poke Mart, Pokeballs, Potions, Antidote and Anti-Paralyses.
Lum Berry and Sitrus Berry would replace everything expect Pokeballs, but she doesn’t know if that would be a good idea to only rely on that.
And last would be a kit to take care of Plant Pokemon. Or a personalised one for Bulbasaur.
”Well, I still have some things to deal with, would it be fine if I visit you later.”
”I can just accompany you. Then we go back together!”
Jerome was gaping a bit.
Vanessa was always easy going, which made her amicable but also hard to deal with for some.
She would retreat easily of asked for, but many feel being pushed by her, which causes them to unconsciously avoid her.
So there aren’t many people she regularly interacts with.
But the Girl, Sabrina, just accepts her in a Stride?
As someone rather unsocial and immature, he seriously thought they were mocking each other at first.
Sabrina and Vanessa quickly browsed through the Poke Mart.
Vanessa still has to make her Journey, but she often enough envisioned how it would be as a trainer.
So she nearly knew of every Trainer Essential Item in the Mart.
Besides that there were Kits for taking care of Pokemon.
It’s not like she never saw it, just didn’t gave it any importance.
She was a bit shocked, but asked for it was needed.
But quickly got silent after Sabrina answered that she can ask Nurse Joy for detailed informations.
A bit confused by her Reaction, Sabrina takes a mental note to head her own Advice.
The Purchase wasn’t to big, and everything was going fast.
In no Time, Vanessa led her to her House. Or her Parents House.
It was a nice normal House on could find outside of Big cities.
Probably standing there for two three, maybe four generations.
Some Flowers were planted in Pots which are hooked at the bottom side of the windows frame, giving it a really nice atmosphere.
”This is my Home!”
”Looks nice.”
”I know!”
Both walked inside.
What catches Sabrina’s attention is that Persian and Arcanine seem to live inside the House.
This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.Or, well, partly. It seems only the first Floor actually has that much room in every direction.
The only doors seems to go to a Pantry and the Stairs are also to small for an overgrown Fire Dog.
A Persian is definitely bigger then a common House-cat, but won’t have any problem if everything is Arcanine sized.
Everything seems to be designed to be spacious.
So there is only a Kitchen/Dinner Room and Living Room from Sabrina’s View, both which could probably house an Snorlax and still have room.
Is there even a Toilet on the first Floor?
”Mama! Papa! Look who I found. Our long lost Cousin!”
From the Stairs sound could be heard.
At first, it sounds like hurrying and pushing each other.
Then, it comes to a pause, a bit of waiting, until relaxed Foot steps came.
A Couple, which seems to be a bit past mid twenties cakes down, with a Persian that looks a bit exasperated.
Long Before even Vanessa’s Shout ended, a big Window revealed an Arcanine sitting their docile, with wagging Tail.
The Woman has a light brown shade for her neck long Hair and Green eyes.
Her Face looks like always ready from switching from Kind Smile to “I’ll beat the shit out of you” Smile.
Meanwhile the Man has a darker brown and shoulder long Hair, a bit of a long Face and look like a nervous Kid NPC 3 has grown up.
His Eyes are also a light shade of brown.
Presumably the Mother has a Sweater and Jeans, while the Father has a Shirt on open Jacket, with Jeans too.
Vanessa takes more after her Mother, while not as light in the Hair colour, she has an even brighter Green for her Eyes.
Opposed to how her Mother Hair seem to form perfectly something similar to a Pixie Cut, Vanessa’s Hair seems to be as Voluminous and nice looking as her Fathers.
Her Face could also have a switch like her Mothers, but from hyperactive kid Expression to “Ups, I messed Up!”.
Both would only need minimal change in facial muscles and a glint in their Eyes.
“Hello, you must be the child of the Belford Clan!”
”Yes, Sabrina is my Name.”
”Come in, Come in, we prepared some Cookies for should we met.”
Disregarding that she is already inside the House, she goes to the Dining Room as motioned by the Mother.
She sat down on the Table and put her Straw Hat down, which she wore the whole Time.
Protection from the Sun is and while be Important. She forgot Suncream.
The Table is the typical one for four People, which probably came in set with four Chair, as there are four.
At Sabrina’s unworried Stride, everyone followed her a bit hastily.
Only Vanessa with a spring in her gait while Persian was rather languid.
Once there, the Mother seems to less nervous and takes out a cookie box and places it on the Table.
Instead of fidgeting, she leans her Arms in the Table and smiles amicable.
”So, do you want to talk about something, or should we start about the Ranch?”
”Well, there isn’t much to talk from my Side.
I am fine with Vanessa sending her Pokemon to her Ranch, but it will be limited.
And rather heavily for now, since I just don’t have the capacity for most Pokemon, and especially not numbers of them.”
The Parents smile fell for a bit, which is kind of rude.
And even ruder is how one notices that the Mother tries to coax me.
One of her Arms is held by the Father, and from their facial expression, he seems to want to dissuade her.
But was firmly rejected their.
”Well, is it really so? Her Pokemon can help you on the Farm if needed.
That alone should make it worth it. Take a cookie if you want.”
”No, because it’s plainly rude how you want something from me and want to coax me for it.
But you don’t respect my Judgement or Will at all.”
Ah, her Smile froze. Now there is desperation creeping up her Eyes.
The Father just shakes his Head.
Do they even noticed they wanted to chat with me before introducing themself?
Were they that eager to improve their odds of whatever they want?
“I am Sorry. We are the one who only gain Benefit from it while you would have to juggle everything around.
And you don’t even have any kind of Obligation to us.
It might be rude to say, but we tried to make a good impression, which kind of mixed up with coaxing.
I sincerely hope that your impression of us won’t hinder any Friendship with Vanessa, especially since she is a separate individual and the one who really is the one who should be in agreement with you.”
He bows his Head and says so.
His tone is sincere and what he says is true.
”I never planned to not separate both of you.
The Journey’s whole point is to prove oneself, isn’t it?
And maybe, the next time you want something from me, you should start with an introduction.”
Both of them froze for a bit, then fidgeting while being pretty good in synch.
They also had the kind of Panic, which isn’t quite Panic, but one thinks of stuff like “I am so stupid! Why didn’t I think of that!”.