“Is there any Type you like?”
”I like every Pokemon! Oh, but I like Dragon especially.”
Yeah, Dragons. Applin. Who the Heck designed Applin?!
Did someone prideful who said “Apple” by “Who’s that Pokemon?” and had to prove his Point?
And it evolves into an Apple Pie! A-P-P-L-E P-I-E!
It’s a Dragon Type god dammit! We’re is there a Dragon anywhere?
Smolive, the cutie, is a so much better example on how to design them and assign Types.
Not like it’s the only one.
Tsatsugiri. The uncompleted Japanese Dish as Pokemon.
As Dragon Type! What do they think of their fish in Japan, that even catched their still Dragon Type?
Ah, wait. Wild fishies can’t become a Dragon.
Gyarados is just a simple Water Flying type.
Who the hell decided that bullshit?
How did the conversation go?
‘Hey Boss, the Design for the Pokémon’s inspired by the Myth of a Carp climbing up a Waterfall is completed.
We only have to make its attributes, move pool and name.”
‘Make it Water Flying.’
‘Make it Water Flying type.”
‘But why? It is clearly a Drago’
’Okay, sorry Boss. Should we make it fly then?’
*scoffs* ‘Of course not! That would be stupid. Ever saw a giant oversized sea snake flying?’
’And don’t let it learn Fly!’
Wonder what the People who made it unable to learn Fly thought when the Bug in Legend Arceus came up.
Not that I would ever like to meet an Gyarados again.
Thinking about it, maybe it isn’t bad that the thing isn’t Dragon, especially since it makes Electric Attacks four times as effective.
But I wonder how Physics work on that one.
The more mass it has, the less effect there should be.
Using Iron Tail and stick it into the ground also makes one a Lighting Rode completely unbothered by electric attacks.
Weird work I live in.
”What about you? Liking any Dragon Pokemon especially?”
”No? Never thought about them like that. Most are pretty cool, so I guess I never ranked them?”
”Well, that’s understandable. Any Favourites of other Types?”
”Thats hard to answer. There are Pokemon I like, that I don’t like or like more, but I never could point out a favourite.”
”Really? Most say Growlithe or Ponyta or Eevee when asked.”
”Eh, when I find a Pokemon I liege the most, I say it.
But I want to see myself rather the Type that appreciates the Pokemon personality instead of Species.”
”Nice! We can be good friends then!”
Sabrina and Vanessa already picked everything ripe for picking, and Sabrina stored them away.
She can discretely put them into machines after Vanessa left.
Vanessa on the other Hand thins she could go along really well with Sabrina.
A bit mean but very amicable and open minded.
“Want to watch something?”
”Yes.”If you discover this tale on Amazon, be aware that it has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road. Please report it.
Both are currently inside the Lounge, with a big TV, Bulbasaur is out of the Pokeball to.
He isn’t sleeping, but doesn’t look like wanting to be active any time soon.
With a click, the TV is on.
Currently is an Ad nearly ending, some kind of yogurt.
“I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause”
“I will travel across the Land “I will travel across the Land”
Searching far and wide “Searching far and wide”
Teach Pokemon to understand “Teach Pokemon to understand”
The Power that’s inside” “The Power that’s inside”
Vanessa was a bit astonished as Sabrina began to sing the Song to, even in a pretty quiet tone.
Quickly, she also chimed in, liking the Song too.
Sabrina deactivates the TV again after the Song finished, not very motivated to watch the actual series.
”You Surprised me. I wouldn’t have thought you would openly sing that.”
Realising only now, Sabrina scratches shyly behind her ear, ignoring the blush.
”Well, I guess after everything, something so familiar had a nice effect on me.”
Vanessa nods at that.
”My Mother often told me that having everywhere a Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny is helpful.
On time she was somewhere were not a Nurse Joy worked in the Poke Centre and she felt so much more helpless.
Something constant just changed like that and her rhythm was completely thrown off.
She always laments how she wasted her Time when she tells me about it.”
”I never made a Journey, but a place without Nurse Joy is still quite hard to imagine.
And I don’t think I have the bias of someone who already did their Journey.”
Even though she has her Bias from Games and Anime.
But that’s somethings different.
”Do you plan to challenge to local Gym at one point?”
”I don’t know for sure, but probably.
When I trained my Pokemon to a certain degree I might want to prove myself.
And you, staring with this one on your conquest?”
”Nope, my current Pokemon is a bad Match up.
My Parent will probably get me a Growlithe, so that will help.
But I would have to familiarise myself with it.”
”Not one of the typical Starters?”
”Nope. You probably don’t know but they are more expensive and less likely to be obedient.
For Growlithe it’s kind of in their Nature, will they are expensively trained and bred.
And it’s much easier to multiply Growlithe, it seems.
The Starter Tradition has something to do with Pokemon which lived in great Numbers.
Lived in packs or herds, but were caught to disturb them to other Children.
My Parents also say that the Breeder purposely increase costs of them breeding and selling.
That’s something I don’t fully get.”
”Maybe some kind of big Company bribed or bribed them?
I mean, from how you told me Newley only Growlithe could prove itself.
To establish such a Business so fast before competitors could even gain a good foothold needs preparation and much resources.
And when they are bred in large numbers then it means much upfront investment before they are sold.
Additionally, potential incidents carry a much greater risk.
Let’s say a disease. Isolating individuals who are sick will be so much harder before they affect other, and then it needs again Money to cure them.
If they aren’t kept in one big places or few big places, but I doubt they will make such an effort.”
”What do you mean with Bribe? Giving Money for not making Money?”
”Well, what are Bulbasaur and the other viewed as Starter?”
”Kinda luxurious, other Kids who have them get prevailed often and stand out.”
”See, through their Rarity and Impression, may even promoted by the Breeders, People are willing to use more Money.
But their Customer Base still shrunk. And the new Customer Base has Individual in the higher side of society.
People who have the Money for luxury and want or feel obligated to make an impression.
And like mine, it’s not like every Bulbasaur is sold to high earning People.
Depending on the Bribe, it’s well worth it.
Especially considering the stability their business has now.
A Probably fixed income plus sells.”
After her last Sentence, Sabrina realises something and adds.
”I am Sorry, I theorised so much while utterly lacking information and said it with such Conviction.
There is no way to prove it wrong or right, right now, so please don’t think it must be really so, maybe it could be so at most.”
”Nahhh, doesn’t that make kinda sense?
The Local Bulbasaur Breeder seems to have changed his Pokechow supplier suddenly to an High-end one.
Also the Facade was rebuild and so on and as much more appealing to rich people.
Not much Later, Growlithe appeared in the Market for an affordable price.
Shortly after Kanto wide all Starter Breeder increased their Prices.
Mam and Dad still say that People were really glad for it, and the Auntie next Door still tells from how angry she was at the suddden increase in Price and that a Growlithe Starter is better anyway, her Son having wanted one since ever.”
”Okay, how did it start from me looking like a conspiracist to looking like there is actually and conspiracy?”